Ethnosocial Studies In Siberia. The Legacy of V.I. Boyko
Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Scientific School of Ethnosocial Research under the leadership of V.I. Boyko, modern ethnosocial researchAbstract
The article is devoted to the history of ethnosocial research at the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. In the 1960s and 1970s, a school of ethnosocial studies was formed here under the leadership of an outstanding scientist, one of the founders of the ethnosociology of Russia, V.I. Boyko (1926–2011). The scientific developments of the school were based on the methodology of social philosophy and the wide application of sociological (statistical and mathematical) methods in empirical research. The specifics of the research were determined by a comprehensive analysis of the lifestyle of the indigenous peoples of the North in connection with the practice of social management. A special stage in the activities of V.I. Boyko and his colleagues was the participation in the work of the Regional Interdepartmental Commission for the preparation of a coordinating research program and the development of a concept for the social and economic development of the peoples of the North in the 1980s. Nowadays, graduates and followers of the V.I. Boyko School of Ethnosocial Studies continue their activities in the divisions of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center.